Sunday, March 1

Sunday: FINAL DAY of my raw food detox

WOW! I did it!! 7 days of nothing but raw fruits and vegetables. That was an amazing experience and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone for so many reasons:

1. You WILL lose weight, and it just may be the kick start you need to keep losing weight (if you need to).
2. You WILL rediscover how good food is in it's natural state without all the oils, vinegars, spices, sauces, baking, frying, etc, etc, that we feel we NEED in order to enjoy what we're eating.
3. You WILL get an exercise in discipline and denying your flesh - and who can't use that?
4. You WILL find better things to do with your time than obsess about food.
5. You WILL have fun, if you choose to :)
6. You WILL get better sleep, which you need.

There are 52 weeks in a single year. Multiply that over a lifetime and that's a lot of "7-day" periods. Why not use just ONE of those 7-day periods and do something that could really benefit you? You have the rest of your life to eat whatever you want whenever you want...and hopefully after that ONE 7-day period, you'll be equipped to make better choices that will not only have you enjoying your food, but enjoying your TOTAL life experience.

Today was my last day of this detox and it was the first day I was out of the house (church). It was a bit difficult for me because I didn't prepare. We had a meeting after church for which I knew there was going to be conventional fruits and veggies, so I didn't bring anything from home. I've been eating organic all week but didn't think I'd notice the difference. I was wrong - it was grose. So I suggest that when you decide to do the 7-day detox, make sure you bring lots of cut organic veggies and fruits from home wherever you are going. I had to stop at Jamba Juice at one point and the only thing I felt comfortable having was the double shot of wheatgrass...which made me SUPER nauseous. I came home and went straight to sleep, woke up around 8pm and had a mango (yes, that is really late to be eating but I hardly ate today). I feel way better now. Lesson learned.

Tomorrow I start my 30 days towards a clutter-free home! I will continue eating the way I ate this week, except I will allow myself to add fats (avocados, nuts, olive oil) and spices sparingly. I'll still lay off the cooked foods for another week and see how it goes. I feel awesome!!

If you noticed, I stopped tagging people yesterday. It takes too long (haha) and I don't want to fill up your notifications with my stuff. Just know that I will be writing every day, so feel free to stop in and check up on how I'm doing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the comments that you all leave. Thank you! You've made this 7-day experience really enjoyable for me!


(To do your own 7-day detox, please visit

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