Friday, March 6

Too Through Thursday

It's Friday morning as I write this. I didn't "feel" like writing yesterday. That's just the kind of day it was. I didn't "feel" like doing much of anything. I especially didn't "feel" like eating raw. That's when I knew I was on to something.

Whenever you are making positive changes in your life that will undoubtedly bring you further along in your divine destiny, you will hit a wall. I'm not talking about the regular obstacles that life throws in your way. I'm talking about that wall that seems to spring up out of nowhere when you are happily skipping through the field of change. It's a wall you didn't see coming, but will stop you almost every time if you didn't expect it.

That wall only pops up when you're on the verge of breakthrough. It's a wall that brings you to the end of yourself, and reminds you how seemingly "good" status quo was. The wall speaks, Who needs this change? It's not worth the effort. No one else is holding themselves to this standard and they're fine. You don't have to be so extreme. Just relax. When you hear this voice and "feel" like stepping back, that's the time to kick it into gear!

I'm too through with excuses, wilted dreams and half eaten endeavors. I'm too through with thinking, wishing and hoping. Life is meant to be lived to its fullest at every moment. Just DO it! I will. I am.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...


If I wasn't at work, I'd dance a jig. Well I still might, just sitting in my seat.

When that wall tries to appear, we MUST PRESS. Like you say, "... time to kick it into gear!"

I'm wit you girl!