Saturday, March 28

The power of prayer - oops.

This past Tuesday was my birthday. I realize I didn't write anything on that day so I just wanted to jot down for my own memory that it was really nice. My dad called first thing in the morning to sing Happy Birthday to me (which is the best gift I could ever receive from him). Him and Gladys got to speak to Joshua and Juliette - yes, Juliette. She talks a lot at a little less than 3 months. It was cute. I also got dozens upon dozens upon dozens of cheers and regards from my friends through facebook. Pierre and I took the evening to eat at Pure Food and Wine in Manhattan, and we saw the moving Knowing (Nicholas Cage, one of my favorite actors). I didn't enjoy those activities much except that I was with my best friend and that made it wonderful.

Ok, so now on to today. I had a slumber party last night and there were about 13 ladies plus me. We stayed up talking until after 5am. One of the subjects we touched was knowing that I Am. We pondered the question, what if we walked in our authority to such a level that everything we said literally came to pass exactly when we said it? A lot of us would have to live with regret until we got our tongues in order. Well, little did I know that I was walking that out.

Earlier in the week my pastor asked if he could come to the slumber party and speak with the women for about an hour. I reluctantly said yes. I say reluctantly in all honesty because I really wanted the women to have a night of rest and relaxation, where they just spoke openly to one another and could enjoy being with other women of like faith. The entire week I was complaining, literally, about how I didn't want him to come and do some heavy thing. I wanted the get together to be light and fun. I even prayed, "Yahweh, please just let him not come somehow. Speak to him or something and convince him not to come." I didn't believe that prayer for a second because obviously I thought my pastor had the upper hand in getting his desires across before my selfish desires. I was wrong.

The night progressed and everyone got here. Turned out I was the only one who really didn't want him here. Everyone kept asking for him, looking forward to hearing what he had to say. We kept calling him on his cell phone and only got his voice mail. The women all stayed up talking, laughing, ministering, praying, and laughing some more until around 5am - but something was missing. Pastor Dan never showed up.

I found him on facebook just now and IM'd him. Here's the conversation:

pastor dan we missed you last night

Oh my gosh.... My wife was in such severe pain that I completely spaced it. We had her in the doctors office.
I am so sorry.

her teeth again?
is she ok??

No, not this time. It was her hand. It is all swollen.
Oh, my gosh... I can't believe I did that. I didn't even remember until you said something. Please give my love to everybody and my sincerest apologies. Wow... I never do that. Something must have completely blocked me.

wow - well you know you were exactly where you needed to be exactly when you needed to be there. no worries...:) her hand - is that random or did she do something to it?

It seems random. It has an infection. She didn't cut it or sprain it. I hope you had a wonderful evening.

we had a girly evening of talking, talking and more talking. went to bed after 5am
Yeshua was lifted up. it was good

Great. How many ladies? Sonya, Drea, Neubela, Rachael, Eunice, Kim M., Jo,

Drea's 2 friends, Christine patterson, kelly jones, Jo rolle,
not eunice

Kelly, Christine, Dreas friends? Kiana

tamiko and yvonne comordo


Drea's friends Aya and catherine
gloria bradford
i think that's it. 13 in all, + me

At that point he went offline. So my question is, how many levels of that is my doing? Him not coming? Him completely forgetting, which caused him not to come? Pastor Annie having an infection in her hand, which caused him to forget, which caused him not to come?? I'm a bit sobered right now, and sad that I let my own flesh get in the way of whatever blessing was meant for the ladies last night. I don't believe anything is coincidence, and although I am a firm believer that things happen the way they should - I don't think they happened the way they should've last night. I think last night was simple sowing and reaping on my part, and my reaping had negative affects on other people. That's real.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Yadi, for what its worth, I had a wonderful evening. Wish I could have stayed over. It was a blessing to be around so many true Women of Yah. A perfect evening!