Friday, October 31

King of Kings...Joshua??

I haven't written in a while because I was intending to wait until after the election, but this is light hearted so it's ok :)

It's no secret that my son's old favorite song was "I Believe" by Micah Stampley. He has recently moved on to another song - "You are Lord" by the Micah Stampley. He asks for this song even more than the other. He simply calls it "song".

Well, the other day I was on my computer as he was playing around in my office. We were listening to "song" when I heard him singing the words:

Key ah Keys, Joshua

Yes, my friends, he thinks the song is about him. The actual words are "King of Kings, yes you are (to which we always sing Yeshua)". Is he a cutie patootie or what? Nothing like a toddler to keep you laughing.

Thursday, October 23

It DOES matter who we elect as President

Again, let me write that I am seriously politically wired. I will not apologize for it. It is simply one part of the cornucopia that is Yadira. During this election time in our country, obviously that is what is going to be coming out of me more than anything else. However, just because I am politically sensitive does not mean that I wish to alienate my true friends or put people's views down. I publicly apologize for doing so inadvertently.

Several years ago I was given a direct word from Yahweh that my calling was like Jeremiah the prophet. He's been dubbed "the weeping prophet"...go figure. That was all I knew of him at the time and could already relate (lol). Years later, in this crucial time in our country (which for me is every 4 years), I can really identify with this dude.

If you read the book of Jeremiah, he is consistently blowing the horn to the nation and warning what is to come. He tells them of the consequences to their actions, their addictions to idols that are leading them astray, and the ways they are being deceived to keep them from fulfilling the purpose of Yah on their lives. He tries everything to get their attention, including theatrics in the streets (lol). They ignore him and the nation crumbles. Bear with me.

If my tactics at exposing Barack Obama's personal views and voting records seem harsh, it is because those things matter. They matter to our nation, but more so they matter to the people of Yah. We live in a country where we are absolutely free to worship in any way we choose. We are free to read our bibles, free to proclaim the name of Yahweh, free to pray on the streets, free to evangelize, free to gather in His name. We are free to choose life and we are free to live according to scripture to the best of our ability. Those are NOT freedoms that other nations enjoy in this day and age. Those are NOT freedoms that should be taken lightly.

I've heard Christians say that it doesn't matter who we elect because Yah's plan will be done. That is half true. Yah's plan will be done, but will it be done in YOUR life? We, the people of Yah, are the world changers, the burden removers, the yoke destroyers. We, the people of Yah, are the deliverers, the saviors (with a small "s"), and the true answers...not the government - and definitely not the government that some are seeking to elect at this time.

When it comes to republican or democrat, I choose neither. However, when it comes to conservative or liberal, I will come down on the side of conservative every time. The liberal agenda is well known - take Yah as far out of our nation as we can get Him. The liberal agenda seeks to strip the very freedoms we take for granted away, to shut the Christian voice up in this nation once and for all. They've succeeded in taking prayer out of schools. They've succeeded in removing the 10 commandments from our government buildings. They've succeeded in teaching our children Darwinist theories instead of truth about creation. More recently, they've succeeded in putting the biggest ministries in the land (including Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland) under the biggest financial scrutiny that has ever taken place, simply because the church can handle finances way better than the government ever could. That is only the beginning.

Barack Obama is not a "bad man", but he is absolutely on board with the liberal agenda on every issue from pro-abortion to how we should educate our children to how we should spend our tax dollar. We are to know every person by their fruit - his own words, voting records and associations have sold him out. This is a man who absolutely can be used of Yah (given the scriptural examples of the types of people He chooses to use), but this is not a man that will be receiving my vote this year because my vote matters. It DOES matter who we elect as leader of this great nation. It matters, it matters, IT MATTERS.

Friday, October 17

Obama ad will push back start of Game 6 of World Series

Major league baseball has agreed to push back the first pitch of the world series in game 6 (if there is one) to accommodate a 1/2 hour time slot for an Obama ad on Fox. Is this really necessary?

The economy is Obama's major platform. I don't understand how someone can speak of being financially responsible and yet spend unprecedented amounts of money on his campaign - the most money ever spent by a presidential candidate in history by far (not just accounting for inflation). The dualities and double mindedness of this man are innumerable and I am still at a loss as to why anyone is at peace with this person leading our country.

Wednesday, October 15

Pro-Life, Evangelical Christians…for Obama?

The time is drawing near. Tonight is the last political debate and honestly I don't believe they will be asked anything that will vary from the last two debates. For some reason it seems like they are meant to repeat the same issues instead of discussing different aspects of this ever important election.

My friend on the prayer call (a pastor from N.C.) put it best in his intercession this morning. Let the people of Yah decide who to vote for not based on economics or health care (since we have the true answer for ourselves and others for total life prosperity), but let the people of Yah vote based on the life and death issues that are plaguing our nation and the ones who cannot protect themselves.

Please read.

Tuesday, October 7

Political Me

It's no secret, I am quite politically wired. Since before I confessed Yeshua as my savior I have always been involved in politics. I don't know why this is so, but during this crucial time in our country it is becoming more and more evident that my heart is predisposed to care deeply about political issues.

I guess that was a disclaimer for the post I am writing. Most like to remain politically correct and not discuss such matters, but I am not most. I am very openly passionate to see John McCain become President.

I've watched the two debates between him and Senator Obama, as well as the VP debate, and my heart is grieved - not at the debates themselves, but at how immediately afterwards we are told by the media who did better and why. We are shown selective clips purposely chosen to paint the candidates the way they want them painted. We are even shown interviews with people on the street that further testify to the media's views. In a perfect world news would be impartial and fair - in our country, it just isn't. Unfortunately most will not sit down and watch an entire debate or do the fact checks necessary to see who is telling the truth. Most will listen to the pundits of our day (Hollywood, MTV, Saturday Night Live and The View).

Then there is the issue of the Christian vote. In a race where the two candidates are so fundamentally different in their views and plans for our country, there should be a clear delineation as to who is voting for who. Again, there just isn't. As much as I personally cannot stand the thought of a country with Barak Obama as President, there are other Christians who equally cannot stand the thought of McCain. Then there are still those Christians who will refuse to vote in this election, leaving the responsibility of choosing a leader to the secular world.

My prayer tonight is simply this - that people check the facts and make an informed decision, not a haphazard decision based on rhetoric. My prayer is that people are able to stand behind their decision with true conviction, without wavering and without influence from the swirling buzz. If everyone did just that, our country would be far better for it.