Tuesday, October 7

Political Me

It's no secret, I am quite politically wired. Since before I confessed Yeshua as my savior I have always been involved in politics. I don't know why this is so, but during this crucial time in our country it is becoming more and more evident that my heart is predisposed to care deeply about political issues.

I guess that was a disclaimer for the post I am writing. Most like to remain politically correct and not discuss such matters, but I am not most. I am very openly passionate to see John McCain become President.

I've watched the two debates between him and Senator Obama, as well as the VP debate, and my heart is grieved - not at the debates themselves, but at how immediately afterwards we are told by the media who did better and why. We are shown selective clips purposely chosen to paint the candidates the way they want them painted. We are even shown interviews with people on the street that further testify to the media's views. In a perfect world news would be impartial and fair - in our country, it just isn't. Unfortunately most will not sit down and watch an entire debate or do the fact checks necessary to see who is telling the truth. Most will listen to the pundits of our day (Hollywood, MTV, Saturday Night Live and The View).

Then there is the issue of the Christian vote. In a race where the two candidates are so fundamentally different in their views and plans for our country, there should be a clear delineation as to who is voting for who. Again, there just isn't. As much as I personally cannot stand the thought of a country with Barak Obama as President, there are other Christians who equally cannot stand the thought of McCain. Then there are still those Christians who will refuse to vote in this election, leaving the responsibility of choosing a leader to the secular world.

My prayer tonight is simply this - that people check the facts and make an informed decision, not a haphazard decision based on rhetoric. My prayer is that people are able to stand behind their decision with true conviction, without wavering and without influence from the swirling buzz. If everyone did just that, our country would be far better for it.


Rachael426 said...

Amen! I am normally not politically wired at all, but for some reason I care deeply about this election like no other. I can't stand the thought of an Obama-nation (abomination -anyone?) either, but I am still doing my due diligence to be sure I make Yah's choice and no one else's.

Neubela said...

Amen again, I don't know if I am politically wired or not, but I too feel passionately about this election for reasons far to numerous for this response (will blog about my numerous thoughts later.) While I will be voting for Sen. Obama, I can definitely agree that it is almost funny how the media, depending on which venue will spin things one way or another, I also get a little annoyed by the level of venomous attacks there are on both sides, where does that get us. I agree with your prayer, I hope that people make informed decisions. I also hope that in the midst of all the data and disputes on the laid out issues, information and the record checking that we also allow the will of Yah and his word to shine a light on it all. It is to bad that there sometimes seems to be a taboo on openly speaking about politics. I wish there was a forum for us to have informed, non emotional but heartfelt discussions in the Church. At the end of the day on Nov 4th we are all still members of the same body, and Americans. While methodically different wanting many of the same things. I would add one thing to your prayer I pray that above all we lean not unto our own understanding but in all things acknowledge Yah and he will dirrect our paths.

Kelly*Jones said...

i'm voting for "that one"

Tarsha Gibbons said...

I am not sure who I am voting for. I am going to pray about it and whoever Yahweh says to vote for that is what I will be doing. I am taking me and my opinion out of the equation. I have stopped watching any news about the campaign because only the Holy Spirit can lead us into all truth and that is what I will be relying on when I cast my vote.

Yadira said...

Thanks all for your comments. As you can see there are 5 of us represented here (including me) - all Christian - all Holy Ghost filled women - yet 2 of us are voting McCain, 2 are voting Obama and 1 is undecided. Are half of us hearing Yah and the other half not? I completely believe in my spirit who I should be voting for, and so does Neubela. Obviously both candidates are not going to be President. That is why my only prayer is that people are able to make an informed decision and stand by their choice. In the end, Yah's will be done.

Yadira said...

...and yes, I mean informed based on both the word of Yah and what these men have said/done. We should know them by their fruit as well as by the spirit.

Rachael426 said...

Now my mind is fully made up. Check this out: http://www.heisatthedoor.com/wordcast/?p=272

Yadira said...

Thank you for posting that link, Rachael. I knew those things about Obama, but not to that degree. I'll be reposting the link in my blog.