Friday, October 17

Obama ad will push back start of Game 6 of World Series

Major league baseball has agreed to push back the first pitch of the world series in game 6 (if there is one) to accommodate a 1/2 hour time slot for an Obama ad on Fox. Is this really necessary?

The economy is Obama's major platform. I don't understand how someone can speak of being financially responsible and yet spend unprecedented amounts of money on his campaign - the most money ever spent by a presidential candidate in history by far (not just accounting for inflation). The dualities and double mindedness of this man are innumerable and I am still at a loss as to why anyone is at peace with this person leading our country.


Kelly*Jones said...

He's spent the most money because he's raised the most money. Believe me if McCain had it to spend he'd spend it to. Is Obama's campaign in debt? Not even close. He's got so much money for his campaign that he even helped bail Hilary out of her debts. I don't get your point. He's not OVER spending. He's spending what he has which happens to be a LOT. How is that irresponsible? But its not about economics...remember?

Yadira said...

The issue is that the person with the most money who can speak the most eloquently isn't always right. The person who can buy up the most media time to get his prepackaged message out (while leaving out the truth of what it will do to this nation) is the one feeding into the minds of those who can elect him. It's not supposed to be "he who has the most money wins" when it comes to electing a president in this nation...and someone who speaks of "spreading the wealth around" should understand that. But there I go again with my ideals.

Kelly*Jones said... you really believe that if McCain had as much money for his campaign that Barack has, that he'd keep his campaigning scaled back and simple. Please get real! You act like McCain is so wonderful and flawless. You've been drinking the kool-aid. SMH. You sound so ridiculous with your little tirades and cheap shots. You wanna vote for McCain then why not post things about how great and wonderful he is? Why is your approach to try and bring down the other guy???? I'm seriously tired of it. You don't even post things that are about your life or some revelation you got from God. You talk about Obama being public enemy number 1! Is that what you're about now? Has the person that I respected and admired so much suddenly turned her focus to hatred and venomous attacks??? let me know cause I'll stop subscribing to your post. There's nothing edifying in it for me anymore.

Yadira said...

I completely understand your point and I apologize for coming across as venomous. I just honestly cannot understand for the life of me how anyone can be voting for this person. It bothers me to great depths that we cannot talk about it in open forums, that the church has to be hush hush when it comes to choosing a leader. Yes, I have taken the wrong approach and I was convicted about it in church this past Sunday. My approach has been divisive instead of unifying. However, I am honestly trying to see what the attraction is to this man and the more I research the more muck comes up. I won't say another word about it.