Wednesday, March 11

Wednesday: Left without excuses

I am a work from home mom of two small children. I run a business and a household, with a women's ministry on the back burner. It's pretty difficult for me to get a decent amount of things done on any given day - and definitely no where near the amount of things that need to get done in a week . I've had a lot of "reasons" for my lack of efficiency. I'm pregnant. I have a newborn. I have a toddler. I'm pregnant and have a toddler. I have a newborn and a toddler. Pierre and I want f-o-u-r children. This life cycle is pretty much going to be a part of my life for a very long while. It's about time to stop letting them be excuses.

Joshua slept over his grandma's house last night and Pierre was at customer meetings all day. It was just Juliette and me in the house all day long. I finished editing the photos from last Friday's shoot and I washed a few dishes. Other than that, I don't know where the day went...and there was no Joshua around to blame it on. As much as I hate to admit it, I need a schedule. Coming from one 9-5 desk job after another, to a place where I was free to do whatever whenever, I avoided the "S" word for many years. If I'm going to accomplish all the grand things in my mind and heart, I need to buckle down and structure my days. Tomorrow I will make a schedule.

Oh, I ordered some exercise DVDs from amazon today. They should be here next week. Healthy eating, business legalities, disciplines, clutter busting, schedules and exercise. Got it.

PS: The highlight of my day was this evening when Juliette laughed and laughed as we played peek-a-boo together for the first time :P She thinks I'm funny - I rock.

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