Monday, March 9

Fun Friday through Sancocho Sunday

It's been a jam packed weekend! Friday I traveled to downtown Manhattan to take some artist headshots for a new show that will be airing soon, American Soul. It's a reality show chronicling several musicians on their way to accomplishing their goals in the industry. My friend is the executive producer and I'm so inspired by watching her do her thing. So many people talk about doing amazing feats, but their journey ends at the talk. This girl is unstoppable. She tried out for American Idol and got shot down in the first round of interviews – not for lack of talent, mind you – so now she's doing her own show. Why should Nigel Lithgow and Simon Cowel have all the fun? I love it.

You know me; I never let inspiration pass me without action. I spent Saturday morning writing out action steps for my YL Designs photography and graphic arts business - and I got a Ning page for Point of Creation so I can link it to the official website once it’s redesigned. I am literally swamped with photography and graphic design projects. Some are my own, but most are those I am being commissioned for – and I get a new request in my inbox almost daily. It’s definitely lighting a fire under my butt to get more organized so that nothing (namely my family and household) falls through the cracks. Pierre and I have made a concerted effort to put our family first. We take weekly date nights and make Saturdays our family day. This Saturday we pulled out the double stroller and spent the early evening at the park. With the summer coming, our weekends will be filled with family activities. As much as I love it, I never want work to take first place.

On Sunday marked 2 weeks of 100% raw…and that was the end of that. After church, Pierre decided he wanted to go visit my dad in Long Island. I prepared and bought a huge delicious salad to bring with me so I would have something to eat in a Spanish household. When we got there, however, we were informed that their friends found out we were coming over and decided to make a sancocho for us. Sancocho is a stew made with root vegetables, a Puerto Rican staple. Their friends are in their 70s and sancocho takes several hours to make. Could I have turned it down? Definitely – and that is why I didn’t. My decision to eat it wasn’t a matter of giving into temptation (if it was, I would not have eaten it); it was a matter of enjoying a meal made with love. I savored every bite and felt great afterwards – no condemnation. Why? I never set myself up by saying I would be 100% raw forever. I never said I would never eat such and such again, so I was free to partake of someone’s act of kindness without going back on my own words. Did it make me want to go back to eating cooked foods? Nope. I’m back to 100% raw until the next “special occasion” strikes.

That was my weekend in a nutshell:)

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