Thursday, February 5

Sweet sound of construction

Last year in March a tree fell on our home (read post here). This week they started the construction to fix it all - the roof, chimney, front porch, and gutters. Another tree fell in the back yard a few months later, breaking the fence, and they're fixing that as well. Yay! I've never been so happy to hear such loud obnoxious noises and to have half a dozen strangers in my yard all day long. Good stuff. In other news, just when I decide to really advertise myself and get my photography business out there (through my lactation specialist, midwife and others), my computer decides to completely crash. I cannot access any of the photos I have taken (although Pierre assures me they're all still there and I have seen them remotely from one of his systems). I cannot get to the pictures on my camera, nor can I access photoshop...AND all my email access has been suspended most likely because my computer was sending out viruses. Can you imagine the withdrawal I'm going through??! Haha at destruction thou shall laugh. That's hilarious. As soon as everything is up and running again, try and stop me! I'm still taking photos even though I can't get to them. So what. Just do it. In yet other news, Pierre and I had an awesome talk this morning about his ultimate calling and we're both ready to truly seek Yahweh and move forward with what has been confirmed over and over. He realized that everything I've been trying to accomplish with POC, the school, dance, music, etc, can only go so far without him embracing what he's called to do. He's not just there to cheer from the sideline as he thought, he's there to be a major part of it all. If anything, all that I am doing is a small part of what he's supposed to be doing. We're sober and ready to step into divine destiny together. He promised not to let me die spiritually. I promise not to let him slink back ever again. Yahweh is reconstructing our home in more ways than one.


Rachael426 said...

Woo hoo! This is sooooo exciting to read!!! I'm fired up for you (and for myself cuz I'm sure I'll be involved in some way, too). :-) Thanks for sharing.

Yadira Laguerre said...

Haha - I'm glad you know you will always be involved with anything that I'm doing...that's just the way it is! I hope it works vice versa as well :)

Yvonne said...

Hi Yadi!!!!

Finally I have a moment to try to catch up on "A Day in the Life of Yadi".

This one really touched me. I'm excited that you and Pierre have reached this place.