Monday, February 23

Monday: Day #1 of the detox

As of 2:30pm today, I have officially been on a water fast for 24 hours. I was supposed to start at 6pm yesterday, but it was dinner time before I realized I was supposed to be fasting so I just skipped it and haven't eaten since. Technically I could eat now, since it's supposed to be a 24 hour fast...but I will wait until the specified 6pm to gorge on some bananas.

The funny thing is that I am not craving any specific foods. I'm craving television. I haven't watched TV in a really long time (don't remember when I stopped but it was sometime last Fall). I've watched certain programs on the internet, but that doesn't count. I'm talking about laying on the couch with the remote in your hand, flipping through the channels at whim, mindlessly listening to the noise of advertisers and laugh tracks (do they even have those anymore?). I'm talking about totally vegging out - no pun intended. That's what I'm craving.

I absolutely use food to entertain myself and avoid being truly present in the moment. Not all the time, but I do it. Without food, my soul craves another thing that would allow me to vacate. Funny how the thought of reading the Word hadn't even crossed my mind until a friend suggested it. I'm starting to understand how I got here.

As of lunch time today I am 189.8 pounds.

1 comment:

Satoya said...

Yeah. I hear you on the tv thing. I haven't had cable for a while and I'm actually loving it! If there is anything I absolutely need to watch, I can see it on my computer.