Friday, February 27

Friday: Day #5 of my raw food detox

It's definitely early to be reporting about today's events, but there are some things I needed to write down and I didn't want to forget. Also, the day is pretty jam packed and I didn't want to NOT write. I will write more about how the rest of today goes tomorrow.

Last night I didn't go to be until around midnight again, even though Pierre took Juliette around 10:30 for the rest of the night. I think I got a little overconfident that I didn't need as much sleep because I was sleeping deeper (quality over quantity type of thing). Not true. When your body is detoxing, you need MORE sleep. Just because it is taking a break from difficult digestion doesn't mean it's taking a break completely. It's going in there and meticulously dealing with all the little issues we don't even see or feel, issues that would cause serious problems down the road if left undealt with. We really take our youth for granted. At this point we can pretty much do anything to our bodies and not feel a thing except for the occasional ache/pain/runny nose. Yet we see the serious health issues that plague the elderly of our nation. Those things didn't just happen over night, but after a lifetime of neglect. Anyway, I'm getting preachy. lol back to my day.

I ended up having to wake up around 4:30am to feed Juliette and I was like a zombie. I lost my balance and hit the wall (lol) on my way to the bathroom. I was in bed until after 10am this morning and definitely feeling that my body is working hard. The skin on my face feels sooo soft and the dark circles under my eyes have gotten noticably lighter to me. I've lost a few pounds, too. I haven't done any formal exercise this week other than those 15 minutes of Taebo the other day, although I've been doing lots of housework and carrying Joshua around. At 1pm, I'm going to listen to a live fitness teleseminar with Yuri Elkaim - leading fitness guru blah blah blah:) You can join in at this link . If you miss it, you can still go to that link and listen to it whenever you want (like the daylight diet teleseminar).

I was actually craving some ooey gooey chocolately stuff last night before going to bed. Don't worry, I didn't cave - but it was the first craving I had felt the entire week. No cravings this morning. I made a nice big green smoothie with apple, banana, pineapple, pear, kale and spinach. Why do I always use kale in my green smoothies? Because I don't like the way it tastes and I can't taste it in the smoothie :) Kale is wonderful for you. You can click here to read about all the benefits of this leafy green.

Why do I always end up writing more when I think I have nothing to write? lol

PS: I just realized the teleseminar is being webcast live as well. Yay! No phone necesary :)

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