Thursday, February 26

Thursday: Day #4 of my raw food detox

I'm supposed to be showering right now. Pierre came home and is watching the kiddos for me so I can do that. Yes, even showers have to be scheduled these days. I'm upstairs on my bed on the laptop. How naughty. lol.

Anyway, today was good. I'm starting to feel light as a feather - although the scale quickly reminds me I am no feather, my friend. I experienced insatiable hunger today between 3-5pm, so I just kept eating - a HUGE salad, a mango, a green smoothie. Haha, writing that out it doesn't seem like I ate a lot but it felt like a lot compared to the past few days. Joshua, Pierre and I enjoyed some banana/kale smoothies today. Joshua is actually starting to ask for salad :) I feel my body getting into a nice rhythm and I'm starting to think about what I want my lifestyle to be like beyond this week. Good stuff.

In other news, I signed up for the Clutter Free Diva Program at I am super excited about that. I start next Monday. Here is the fabulous testimony about that. The program costs $198 (I missed the month of January when they were running a 1/2 price sale). It's a 30-day program and looks awesome, but that price was more than I wanted to pay for cyber support. So yesterday I emailed Tera (the main chic at Raw Divas), told her I was really interested in the declutter program and that I am a photographer/graphics designer. I asked if I could make an exchange for goods/services. She agreed and signed me up right away! Yeah boyeeeee. That experience totally changed the way I view business. There should always be an exchange, but it doesn't always have to be money.

PS: Has anyone listened to Paul Nison's Daylight Diet interview I mentioned in yesterday's blog? It's eye-opening. Just the one small change of not eating when it's dark out (or 6pm, whichever comes first) will really make a difference in your health. Try it! :)

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