Wednesday, February 25

Wednesday: Day #3 of my raw food detox

Whew. I heard day 3 is the toughest day. It is tough - but not in the way that I thought. I'm not craving cooked foods, fats or grains. I'm not yearning for chocolate or wishing for a glass of OJ. The food part of it is just fine, actually - except for the feeling that I'm losing my sense of smell/taste. I don't think that's supposed to happen. It must be this cold my body was fighting off making its last tada before exiting. I'll ask Paul Nison about it.

The tough part is totally emotional.

This morning I woke up to find my in-laws had slept over last night. Apparently Joshua started throwing up in the middle of the night and Pierre tried to wake me, but couldn't, so he called them and they came rushing over. The funny thing is that I had listened to Paul Nison's interview about his new book, The Daylight Diet, which basically says that if you don't eat after dark you will automatically lose weight and have much deeper sleep. He wasn't kidding! Due to newborn duties, I didn't get to sleep until after midnight - but I didn't eat after 6pm. The last thing I remember is my head hitting the pillow. I missed the entire hussle and bussle of Joshua screaming because he had thrown up, Pierre running around cleaning everything, Joshua then pooping so bad that he had to be thrown in the tub, Pierre calling his mom, and them coming over to perform some old skool remedies that had him running around just fine by the time I awoke. THAT'S deep sleep. I don't think I like it. Pierre said he even shook me.

I was very embarrased to have my in-laws thinking I chose to sleep in lieu of caring for my son who wasn't feeling well. How could I explain that I really didn't hear a thing? Not to mention the fact that when I did see Joshua in the morning and tried to give him a hug, he yelled, "NOOOOOOO" (in usual toddler fashion), wriggled out of my arms and went running to his grandma. On top of that, my home was not ready for middle of the night surprise guests (is it ever?) so not only did I come off looking like an unfit mother, I was a sloppy one, too. She took it upon herself to do some laundry I had in the basement because, and I quote, "if you are ever sick upstairs and someone comes over and sees this they will say, 'this woman is a slob'...that's what they'd say." Thank you. Although I was extremely grateful they had come over and done everything they did, I was a bit of an emotional wreck over the whole thing - detox or no detox - teetering between conviction and condemnation.

Once they left the day should've gone back to normal, but it didn't. This is the detox part. Everything just felt really off. I don't know how to explain it. I just prayed in my heavenly language and put on some praise/worship music. That helped. Things feel a bit more normal now.

On a lighter note (yay!), I made the most fabulous kale/pineapple green smoothie today. It was delicious, as opposed to the brown smoothie I ended up making yesterday without a recipe. lol. Pierre and Joshua loved it! The saga continues.

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