Sunday, February 22

Starting a 7 day detox tomorrow

Since I got prego with Juliette until now, I have been eating horrendously and not exercising a lick. Juliette is 7 weeks old today and as she's starting her week of new beginnings, so will I. OK, I didn't actually plan to do this on her 8th week, but it sounds good and Hebrew and all that.

I will be doing a 7 day raw food detox. I've gone raw for 35 days in the past, only to return to eating cooked foods like no body's business - so I'm honestly a bit sceptic that 7 days will make any sort of big difference. However, like my pastor said today, I am not a sceptic - I am a creator. I am choosing to co-create the life that I was designed to have before the foundations of the earth. Yeah boyeeee.

The detox calls for fasting from 6pm tonight until 6pm tomorrow night (the first official day of the detox). The fast is broken in the evening with a monofruit meal. Then I will basically be having lots of water, salads, fruits and sprouts for 7 days. No fats like nuts or avocados which are very common in the raw food diet. This detox focuses on greens, which have basically become extinct around here.

My body is fighting off some germs and viruses right now, so I'm happy to give it a break from all the heavy digesting. I'm looking forward to getting back on track because I know that this food thing affects so many other aspects of life. I realize that my mental clarity and emotional fortitude depend so much on how this earth suit is functioning.

So here we go!

PS: Here are a few things I read today on the detox website that stuck out to me...

1. Honor where you’re at. You will ALWAYS be able to find something you don’t like about yourself. Whether you’ve got dimpled thighs, a bulging stomach, thick arms, or a double chin, you are deliciously sexy and desirable. Haha, that's great.

2. Honor your body and all the hard work it does. Every CELL is carrying on an orchestra of activity in your honor. So celebrate it. Indeed.

3. Digestion and managing emotions require so much energy from the body's resources that it has a hard time doing both simultaneously. This is why when some people are stressed or upset, they lose their appetite. It’s also why others of us, who are more likely to suppress our emotions, will EAT when we are stressed. This suppresses our body’s ability to process and experience our emotions as they’re happening. Whoa.

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