Saturday, March 8

That's ONE way to get a new porch...

Pasted on my vision board is a picture I did on photoshop of my house renovated from the front. I've always thought my house looks like an unfinished project and that the appearance of the front doesn't do much aesthetically.

Tonight Pierre and I got home from our date to find that the neighbor's tree had fallen on our house. Due to some pretty violent winds, the trunk broke in half and fell on the chimney - the top of which collapsed onto the roof and rolled unto the front lawn (denting and putting a hole in the roof on its way down). The trunk then proceeded to roll down the front of the house, destroying the front porch and landing inches (literally) from the church van parked in our driveway.







We called the police and notified the neighbors. I didn't know this, but because it's her tree, her home owner's insurance covers all the damages. After the cops left, we had a little Hallelujah party on her lawn. We praised Yah that they had just trimmed their trees a few months ago (or the extra branches would've broken windows for sure), that the trunk didn't even touch Joshua's bedroom (could've demolished it), that we weren't home when it happened, that the power lines are on the other side of the house so we didn't lose power, and we laughed about how that is one anointed church van. Then my neighbor said, "Ooh girl - praise Jesus - get a brand new porch even better than the one you had!"

Geez, I guess those vision boards are even more powerful than I thought. lol.

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