Tuesday, November 4

Restoration Update

I've been meaning to write an update to the candid blog I wrote a month ago. In the past two days, two people have read it for the first time - and I don't believe in coincidences...so let me write the update before we have a new Presidential elect and there will be other things on my mind! :)

It's been a little over a month since I almost walked out on my marriage. In the grand scheme of things, that is not a long time. However, it feels surreal, like a nightmare from my childhood instead of a day that actually took place. All the events leading up to it even seem like scenes from a Lifetime movie. Everything is so different now.

From the very next morning when my husband and I had a heart to heart, things have never been the same. I've heard of Yahweh doing "suddenlies", but I never really experienced one so dramatic and permanently life changing. Pierre began waking up early to journal and really spend time hearing the voice of Yah in a quiet place without agenda. I can honestly say that just by doing that, his whole demeanor was altered. Our marriage is truly beautiful. We had a couple days last week where I was tempted to think nothing had changed simply because he gave me a little attitude (LOL) - but then I quickly remembered that those few uncomfortable hours of Pierre being cranky were once a "day in, day out" misery and that I needed to have grace. Lord knows I have my bad days!

We never actually got together with our pastors for counseling, but still intend to do so. We've since visited my family on Long Island who, thank goodness, are very forgiving in some ways and treated Pierre with the same love they did before. All in all, the entire experience is something that I never want to forget for the sake of helping others - but one that I'm glad I wrote about because it has quickly become so foreign.

I praise Yahweh with all my might. He is so good. I know that not all stories of abuse end like this, so I do not take His mercy and grace on our lives for granted.

1 comment:

Rachael426 said...

Hallelujah, that's so good to hear!