Wednesday, November 5

The aftermath

At midnight on Nov 4th, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama got elected as the 44th President of the United States of America.

I sat up watching ABC news as the polls were closing and they announced who was getting the electoral votes state by state. The entire day before the news started broadcasting, I was pacing the floor and eating left over halloween candy. I kept telling myself to trust Yahweh. The problem is that I know Him - how He likes to make the enemy appear as if he is winning right before He displays His glory in a huge victory. Knowing this didn't give me comfort. lol. I knew the likely outcome, and I didn't like it.

Sure enough around 9:30 they announced that Barack had won Ohio (a huge battleground that no republican has ever lost and still won presidency). To my own surprise, I broke down and started sobbing uncontrollably. lol I'm pregnant. At that point I knew that it was official. I stayed up to hear John McCain's concession speech, which was very honorable and dignified despite the people booing in the crowd every time he mentioned Obama's name. The popular vote turned out pretty close, so I can imagine there are many people truly upset at the turnout this morning.

Which brings me to the daily prayer call. Since I went to bed late (right around the time Obama started speaking - I still cannot sit through his speeches), I was half asleep during the prayer call this morning. I vaguely heard as person after person prayed the scriptures in victory, declaring Yah's word in faith like we should be doing at this time. Suddenly at the end of the prayer call, one woman started yelling, "Obama!" with hilarious laughter over and over again - interrupting the person that was praying. Gloria Bradford had to tell the person repeatedly to mute their call. That woke me up.

After that, a woman from Ohio(I won't mention her name) said she wanted to pray for Obama. Cool. She started out declaring that no weapon formed against him will prosper and every tongue that rises against him in judgement will be condemned. Necessary. Then she went on to say that the prophets in the land needed to repent because they were obviously wrong and had led people astray, that too many people were hiding behind the guise of christianity and that God had exposed them for what they really are by allowing Obama to be President and that she was so grateful she had eyes to see what was really happening throughout the election. WHAT?!

Look, the bottom line is that Yahweh reigns. His will would be done and His plan would be accomplished because He is Yahweh. It was still up to each and every person to choose which idiology they would align themselves with, and the choice was crystal clear. Now it is our responsibility like never before to pray. Yahweh holds the heart of the kings in His hands and He turns them whichever way He wants. This is a wake up call for America - specifically for Christians. This is not a time to sit back and rejoice, condemning the prophets in the land for trying to warn people of what was to come. This is a time to sit high on our watchtower and be vigilant. It saddens me deeply that this election has brought such a huge division in the body of Moshiac, but His plan is to awaken the sleeping lions. It's been His plan for a long time, through many events. What else has to happen for His body to wake up?

Personally, the internet and the TV are going off for a long while. Eating out and spending money entertaining myself are both taking a long break. It's time to really dive into deep waters so that I have nothing natural to stand on for miles in any direction. I felt this consecration coming for a long time, but not like this. There's no turning back. Yah's will be done. This President needs our support - not with vain cheers, but with true prayer.

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