Saturday, November 15

Posting for the heck of it

All is well here. It's been a little while since I last wrote and I wanted to check in to say that there is peace in my home, love in my heart, joy in my spirit and a gratitude in my step. Halleluyah.

I finished a graphics design project for a client and it gave me such satisfaction. It reminded me of the pure pleasure of doing what speaks to you at your core. I have three photoshoots coming up next week that will all be very different. This is where I belong. I was recruited to an administrator position for a creative arts group on cafemom where I get to design every week. I've been doing it for about three weeks now. I get to see members from all over the world signing their posts with my creations. Bliss. Just this past Friday a logo I submitted was chosen to replace their regular logo for the day of their 2nd birthday as a site. Oh yeah, and I woke up about two weeks ago with a brand new song - it's hot.

Creation is where it's at - Yahweh had the right idea. What an awesome Father to have passed that ability on to us. Thank you, Abba.


Kelly*Jones said...

Word. I feel so blessed to have the gift of creativity. It makes me feel so alive and so connected to Yahweh. Dope son.

Anonymous said...

It has become even clearer as why I have met you and why I know and come to love you so much....Yahweh has given you the gift to awaken the creative gifts in others, including me. Congrats on creative job for CafeMom! Whoo Hoo! Excellent!