Wednesday, July 30

Prophesy vs. Prosperity

Last night Dr. Jesse Duplantis came to teach at our church. As always, he was hilarious - but more so, his message set off sparks in me. I want to get the CD and listen to it over and over until it sinks in. My first thought after thinking that was, "Oh no...I'm off into a new subject again!!"

Here I am on this prophetic kick, practicing the voice of Yahweh and listening to prophetic teachings...and now I'm being pulled in the prosperity direction to do the same diligent study. I know what you're thinking, "It's all the Word, right? What difference does it make?" It makes a huge difference. It's like wanting to go to Law school and Med school at the same time.

You never see prophetic teachers and prosperity teachers running in the same circles. Yes, prophetic teachers speak about total life wellness and prosperity teachers speak about hearing the voice of Yah - in that sense it crosses over a bit. Yet neither one of the two really delves into the opposite subject in the sense that I am feeling pulled to do. It's a good thing I was able to resolve this seeming dichotomy in my spirit on the car drive home.

The answer is, I really do have to study both topics - as well as be a diligent student of my own pastor whose teachings are a complete course in themselves. I really do have to venture into the land of Rick Joyner, John Paul Jackson, Jim Driscoll, etc to get my prophetic training -AND- into the land of Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Bill Winston, Miles Monroe, etc to renew my mind for total life prosperity. I really do need to emmerse myself in the Hebrew and the apostolic, yoke destroying, burden removing messages of Pastor Dan Stratton. They are ALL essential to my life as a Christian, to live in the blessing and bring miracles to those around me. The only part of my schedule that will suffer are the many idle moments during the day where I'm tempted to do a myriad of mindless things. That's quite alright with me.

It turns out I'm not a pschytso after all...amen to that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl! No, you are not schizo and "all over the place". You are just desiring to go deeper into Yah. And I applaud you for that. Too, there are people who have gotten both their degrees in medicine and law, so why can't you gain wisdom and understanding in both Prosperity and Prophesy? The answer is, "You can!" As Pastor Dan reiterated last night, there are three parts to everything. So after you get your wisdom and understanding in those areas, then you are to teach someone else. Its not about us, but about others we can share with.