Monday, July 14


Just when I decide to mind my own business and stop paying attention to what this crazy world is doing, I happen across a new bill that has been passed which directly affects my unborn child.

As of April 24, 2008, President Bush signed a new bill into law for the purpose of establishing a national DNA database. This bill (S.1858 "The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007") authorizes the federal government to screen the DNA of all newborn babies in the U.S. within six months and warehouse it. This stored DNA can then be used for genetic experiments and tests without parental consent. Are you friggin' kidding me?

This is just one more thing I will have to decline with a signature because it goes against my "religious beliefs". I'm glad good 'ole religion is still a viable plea; but for how long? ...and if they're doing it without parental knowledge, who is to say that the little pku test they draw blood for isn't being used for DNA screening as well? Giving birth at home is sounding reeeeaaaaal good right about now.

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