Friday, July 11

Death - the last enemy to be defeated

Many people have been asking about fundraising since reading one of my previous posts. I have been researching and will definitely get back to that; but for right now, death is my target.

Yesterday was Kevin Cromer's funeral. My family was in attendance and my husband was asked to speak. The situation of his untimely death, combined with my own poor job of guarding the gates to my soul, has made me very death conscious. I lay in bed fully aware of my heartbeat and how fragile everything in my body is.

During the altar call, the preacher said that death comes a-knockin' and can come at anytime. He said we weren't even guaranteed to get home safe after leaving there. Life could all stop without my will or consent. Is that the truth? Not according to scripture.

Death is an enemy of Yah. The scriptures do not say the wages of life is death; it says the wages of sin is death. Even when Adam sinned, it took 930 years for that sin to work its way to death. Yet today death is manifesting so fast we just assume it is out of our control. However, I seem to remember Yeshua saying that He Himself had to give up his life in order to die. I absolutely remember him raising the dead a few times with just a touch or a word. I even remember Paul making a conscious decision to stay on earth because it would be more beneficial to those around him.

I read something in a book this week about innocence. It gave one of the definitions as, "having no consciousness of mortality or morality." I thought that was wrong at first, until I thought of my son. He is 1.5, he has no awareness of death and no awareness of morals. He just is. He lives in the moment, he trusts, he plays, he laughs, he gets frustrated when things don't seem right to him. He is innocent. Adam and Eve were innocent in this same regard.

Innocence is what the enemy fights so hard to steal from us. Innocence is what brings power to heal the sick and raise the dead. The scriptures teach that if we are not childlike, we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We have become so desensitized to death and sickness that we are not moved with compassion to eradicate it - we accept it as a way of life in ourselves and others.

It has to stop. At the end of my Kevin Cromer post I asked what it is that we are not getting. I got my answer - we have lost our innocence. Life is more powerful than death, but we have a lot more death in us than we even realize. The life we receive from hearing and reading scriptures has to contend with the death we receive from television, movies, advertisements and conversations. So many things we allow to pass through our gates (eyes, ears, etc) on a daily basis are in direct opposition to the scriptures.

In that same book about innocence, the author speaks of his 3 year old son receiving a McDonald's toy in his happy meal of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. He started to cry. When his father asked why, he said, "This man needs healing." That is the compassion, sensitivity and innocence that I yearn for. It is more important to me than anything I can ever entertain myself with.

It's not too big of a goal to be pure and innocent enough in my thinking in order to take the scriptures at face value and raise the dead. It's not too much to ask to be able to spend enough time with my Abba that His power manifests in me and sets people free. My soul is crying out for consecration.


Unknown said...

Wow. This is so right on. I've been crying out for consecration too, but I didn't even realize it until I read this. Thank you.

Rachael426 said...

Oops, didn't realize I was logged in as Orville before... that was me, Rachael. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ditto... Wow!!! You are so right on with us having more death in us than life/power, because for whatever reason we don't spend the time with Abba to, as you said, have His power manifest in us.

Consecration... Yes!

Thank you Yadi!