Thursday, July 3

Time to raise some funds

I woke up this morning having dreamt something that stirred me to the very core. Our church is currently awaiting half a million dollars that was promised from some mystery man and hasn't shown up. We want to use that money to lease church space for a year or so downtown Manhattan. When we thought we had the moneys in hand, our pastor's wife gave a strong reproof to the congregation that basically went something like this, "Don't rejoice, you lazy people! Someone else is getting the credit for what you should have done yourselves!" Of course, she was a little nicer about it, but that was the gist. Shortly after that, the moneys evaporated into thin air.

In my dream, I was yelling at everyone. I was asking them why we, as able-bodied adults, were sitting around waiting for $500,000 to fall out of the sky. What ever happened to fund raising? What's wrong with bake sales, yard sales, mowing lawns, singing on the subway...whatever?! If everyone does a little, even if we can raise $100,000 - it's more than we have now. Since when did we become of those sort that sit around and wait for blessing to land on our laps?

I woke up realizing that we are really lazy. Why? Because we've sown seed? So now we feel entitled? Imagine farmers sowing seeds and then going and sitting on their couch, praying for watermelons to land on their laps; praying for someone to show up at their door with potatoes. That's ridiculous. Having sown seed, you have to then put your hand to the plow. You gotta go dig up your harvest. The work doesn't end. Does the miraculous happen where checks show up out of nowhere and Yah speaks to people to give you money? Of course. The Word does say that men will give unto your bossom. Yet that's one friggin' scripture. The rest of the scriptures speak of hard work and persecution. We bank so much on that one miraculous line in the bible that we are crippled from the satisfaction of accomplishing Yah's will on earth for ourselves.

It not only goes for Faith Exchange, my church. It goes for us as individuals. It is so easy to make money in this country, if you really think about it. People will pay for almost anything. Yet we get so grandiose in our thinking; we think we have to build multi-million dollar companies overnight in order to affect any sort of real change...meanwhile we are living in lack. We, healthy/able-bodied/intelligent/good looking/strong/talented/entrepreneurial GIANTS are in lack because we think so much on the huge things we will do one day that we forget the small things we can do today. What about collecting the loose change laying all around the house? What ever happened to the concept of bit by bit, little by little? Isn't it possible that as we are diligent to do the little things, Yah will supernaturally bless it and triple our efforts? Gosh.

Where do we get this stinkin' mentality from? Certainly not from our pastors, who have given more of their personal substance than I think I have ever earned in my lifetime thus far. They travel the country, and other countries, helping every one that needs it. My pastor is working on global water initiatives and speaking with Indian chiefs to bring aid to their communities. He's constantly bringing different vehicles into the church to help people make money. Yet as a congregation, we are so inward focused. Every space we have been able to have church in has been a supernatural blessing - yet what have we really done to help the communities we've been in? We sit in our four walls and wait for bigger and better things while our harvest rots...the harvest of moneys AND the harvest of souls.

I am convinced Yah is not pleased with us as a congregation (our pastors aside). I am also convinced that the smallest effort and change of heart would bring about such a huge bounty. I am now on a fund raising frenzy...personally, and for the church. This is not the last you will hear of this. Oh and if this is like anything else I have ever done, I'm dragging EVERYONE in with me. Onward to corporate blessing through individual best effort. Onward to debt eradication everywhere.


Anonymous said...

Onward to totally debt elimination. Onward to making the raising of funds happen. I hear your screaming this morning, I resist being offended in the name of Yashua. Instead, I chose to look deeper within myself, to hear Yahweh's voice, open to the creative ideas and ways to get this done, to help our Pastors, to give more, to not be considered and called lazy, but to be a part of the solution. I hear the huge needs of our Church, of our Pastors, of my faith family and of those who need us, I've heard it for a long time and I press past guilt, sadness, and any temptation to take on the Spirit of Offense, I continue to press forward, believing and knowing that despite our humaness, the victory is our in the name of Yashua, no matter what it looks like in the natural, I meditate the promises, I stay in rememberance of the prophesies, and I know that I know that I know, I am a part of something way bigger than myself, than all of us, and celebrate that our steps are ordered. As our Pastor said last night, we prayed, we got it! I pray and believe that each of us are lead to exactly what we need to do to raise the funds and I thank Yah in advance for His Super on our natural. Glory be to His name! We are moving onward!

Anonymous said...

Hi Yadira! Our mutual friend, Tamiko invited me to view your blog today and let me tell you, it has been such a Blessing. Your transparency is amazing. I've only visited Faith Exchange for two Sun. services and a few Bible Study's, but I've been so blessed by Pastor Dan and the fellowship I've participated in thus far.

This is actually my first time ever writing on/in a blog. I probably could have responded to every blog you've written, including your food (cooking is one of my passions) and YL Designs blogs. I can relate on so many levels and your openess makes me feel like I've known you for years.

All that said, I've felt most led to respond to this one. And my response is, "Preach Sista!". After that wonderful Word from Pastor Dan last night, I feel like this was just icing on the cake to give me the kick in the "patoot" that I need. And to answer your question, "There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with bake sales, yard sales, etc." I am in TOTAL agreement that Yah will add His SUPER to our natural, if we would do something/anything. If we plant that seed, He will help us to grow it. In agreement, I come against lack in EVERY area of our lives (Health, Finances, Mentally, Emotionally...). We must take that first step to do something. Whatever I can do to help, please let me know.

We are moving onward to Freedom from Debt and we are going to use our BEST effort to make it happen!

Rachael426 said...

I'm in! Drag me wherever you need me. :-)

Kelly*Jones said...

Singing in the subway? I'm down. I must say I was VERY convicted when you said we think about the big things we will do one day and forget about the small things we can be doing now. Man that was an arrow straight through me son.

Neubela said...

Amen, you are so right... I am down. After Pastor Annie's strong word I repented for my own lack of giving more and waiting around for some mystery person...I said imagine if each member could give $1,000 how much closer we would be toward our goal. Since my talk with Keith I have done nothing, your blog has stirred me up again. Let me know what I can do to be a part of this effort, I will be thinking of creative ways to raise (hey that rhymed) on my end too.