Friday, June 20

It's official; they're gone

My neighbors across the street sold their house and finished moving the rest of their things today. Yesterday I was outside playing with Joshua and the mom and 2 year old daughter were also outside. Her daughter yelled, "Baby!" across the cul-de-sac; to which Joshua responded with a wave. I've seen them outside while we were out there before, but never went over to say hello. Yesterday I mustered up the gumption (after the kids introduced themselves without help from us moms).

The Holy Spirit had been prompting me to befriend her ever since we moved into this house. I always found an excuse to stay in my hermit crab shell. I regret it. I went over and spoke with her yesterday and she's so cool. She was funny, smart, my age, and we have so much in common. She's also a stay at home mom, so while I was home all day long - so was she. I'm pretty sure they sold their house to an older couple with no kids.

Why didn't I ever take the initiative to go over there and make friends? I had way too many excuses. Basically, I didn't think we'd have anything to talk about. I was always too busy to make a new friend. Now they're gone and I face a missed opportunity. I hate those. Lesson learned.

1 comment:

Rachael426 said...

Been there. There is therefore now no condemnation... you'll do better next time. :-)