Thursday, June 5

The current day

Foreclosure: A situation in which a homeowner is unable to make principal and/or interest payments on his or her mortgage, so the lender, be it a bank or building society, can seize and sell the property as stipulated in the terms of the mortgage contract.

Investopedia Commentary: In some cases, to avoid foreclosing on a home, creditors try to make adjustments to the repayment schedule to allow the homeowner to retain ownership. This situation is known as a special forbearance or mortgage modification.

Last year around this time, our mortgage company decided to sell our loan to another company. They can do that without the homeowner's knowledge or consent. The new company saw fit to raise our monthly payments by hundreds of dollars. That's their prerogative as well. A few months later, we somehow overlooked renewing our homeowner's insurance, and the new company assumed it - thereby raising our monthly payments another thousand and change. At that point it became very difficult for us to juggle all the bills and we went into default. The company even kept all monies awarded to us when a tree fell on our house and destroyed the porch. Despite Pierre's constant communication with the lenders, and his repeated attempts to bring everything current, they went ahead and filed a foreclosure. I got the letter right before going on my board of directors retreat. We worked out a plan of repayment, but the monthly number is even higher (almost by another thousand) than the previous numbers. That is what is happening in the natural.

Moad: An appointed time set by Yahweh.

In the spirit realm, explosions are happening. The POC retreat proved to be a divine and appointed time for all of us. Though the foreclosure has brought about a roller coaster of emotion for my soul, my spirit is settled, strong, calm, rooted and grounded in victory. I am a commander in the spirit realm, an intercessor, an agent of change. The enemy has tried almost successfully to snuff out this reality, numbing me with mindless entertainment and distracting me with frivolities. Yet the truth remains that I am a leader. Yahweh has always told me so, and he always confirms His word again and again - not because He likes to hear Himself talk, but because we obviously need to hear the same thing several times before we believe it. My pastor called me fearless yesterday, and it took me by surprise for a moment; until I remembered that I am. This is an appointed time for me, and an appointed time for the body at large. I can have as much or as little involvement in Yahweh's powerful outpouring as I choose to free myself to. Our pastor told us that all which is hidden shall be revealed. If we choose to reveal our hidden secrets, all the blessings that are hidden will also be revealed. As for my physical house, it's fully renovated and paid for. No amount of human error or spiritual attack can change truth, not even facts.

I am a leader, and as a leader I take my rightful position at the forefront; servant of all. Who is greatest in the kingdom but they that are willing to give their lives for others. My place is to fast, pray, intercede on behalf of others so that their destinies cannot be stunted by the enemy of their souls. My only desire is that I remember this on a moment to moment basis for the rest of my natural life.


Rachael426 said...


Tarsha Gibbons said...

I am in full agreement renovated and paid for. That mortgage has been removed according to Mark 11:23,we stand for the entire amount according to John 14:13 and we possess it and thank-you for it according to Phillipians 4:19. He must don't know who he foolin with

Rachael426 said...

Can they REALLY do that, even in the natural??? It just seems so wrong.

Yadira said...

The borrower is servant to the lender. Buy your house with cash.

Tarsha Gibbons said...

That statement is so profound and correct. I completely sense your authority and understanding over this situation. Keep your spirit open for instruction, Yahweh is going to work a miracle through you.

Yadira said...

Amen, Tarsha. Thank you. I've already printed out the scriptures you gave me in the previous comment. :)