Monday, June 16

Home and Garden State

Yesterday we went to visit my dad on Long Island for Father's Day. It was nice to see my family, but the more I go to Patchogue the less I feel it is home. I was actually pretty surprised to feel a longing for the Garden State while there. New Jersey...home?? This morning I heard my friend Tamiko on the prayer call say that even though she lives in Jersey, she'll always be a New Yorker. I have always related to that. So why was I feeling these "home" feelings about Jersey while visiting the home in NY where I spent most of my life?

Driving down the roads was a bit daunting. I saw a lot of the buildings where my childhood memories resided had been torn down, making room for new stores and condos. The old village of Patchogue is being updated, taking away that nostalgia I felt around every corner in my previous visits. To top it off, as much as I love my family and appreciate their place in my life, I realized that the family I had in the car with me - my husband and my son - had become more like home than even my father and siblings. It kind of feels like I've grown up, and it feels good.

The Garden State is my home now. I can admit it. I'm a Jersey girl.

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