Sunday, June 15

Photography blog

I've added a new journal to my bag 'o blogs. This one is just for my photography experiences. I will be updating with each new photoshoot and whatever else happens in between. I've backdated to April 1st so I could include the shoots I've done thus far. Feel free to bookmark it ;)

In other news, Happy Father's Day! We'll be heading out to Long Island to see my dad (I need to go to sleep!). During the morning service, Pierre and 6 other fellas will be speaking on what it means to be a father. I'm looking forward to hearing what they all have to say.


Neubela said...

I love the new blog, I feel like I am a part of your journey. You are a true inspiration to create. mmm "The Makilng of YL Designs" I could totally see a reality show, maybe you should put your experiences on youtube :-)

Rachael426 said...

LOVE the new blog, too. You are an amazing photographer!