Thursday, August 14

Teaching at Faith Exchange Fellowship

Last night I was given the opportunity to lead bible study with my husband at church. When I was first told that our pastor requested we do it together, I was honestly very taken a back. My pastor never ceases to surprise me. Then when my husband came and said he wants to teach about hearing the voice of Yah, I was like, "Yeah boyeeeeee!"

Pierre spoke first from various scriptures, then I followed. I so enjoyed it. I haven't really taught a mixed group like that since college. Looking out into their faces and seeing them understand what I was bringing was so rewarding. I taught a little from the book, "Spiritual Man" by Watchman Nee. I also taught some from the Jim Driscoll message I blogged about last week. Then I did an exercise from John Paul Jackson's "Art of Hearing God" seminar.

While preparing, I felt guilty for teaching other people's materials and not my own "heavenly revelations"...but then I realized that there is nothing new under the sun and that Yahweh would put His own spin on it when I got up there to speak - which He did and I loved it. Besides, these things were indeed revelations to me.

After the exercise, several people got up to tell of their experiences. That was the best part for me because people got a chance to really see that Yahweh speaks to them and through them, even during the testimonial section. We had service until well after 9:30, and afterwards everyone lingered - still making divine connections amongst each other. I'm looking forward to the next opportunity down the road.

**I almost forgot to the end of service I received a word myself from a first time visitor. She said the baby girl in my womb is a dancer. YES!!!! That actually got me more excited about this baby than any other news I could've received. I can't believe I didn't even think of that. lol. WOOHOO!! Oh the things I will choreograph...


Kelly*Jones said...

Last night was off the chain! I really wanna thank you guys for not only teaching us but allowing us to demonstrate the gifts of the Spirit. Last night was such an example of what the body should be. I'm truly grateful for you guys and you've rekindled something in me that I've let dwindle recently and I want to thank you both. It was great the way you worked together and allowed us (actually forced to put into practice what we'd just been taught. What was so awesome about last night for me was that on Tuesday I asked Yah for a word in order to put me more at ease about my audition. When Yvonne spoke to me about the eagle...means more to me than I can even express. Thank you for allowing Yahweh to use you.

Rachael426 said...

I agree with Kelly, it was an awesome service and I thank you guys so much for bringing us that teaching. Even though I read your blogs about it, I got a lot more out of you actually teaching it and yes, forcing, us to use it on the spot! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Praise Yah for you and Pierre bring that teaching to us! In just these few months being at FEF, I feel like I've grown and been awakened more than ever. WOW!!! I can really hear from Yah! This is Awesome. Thank you Yah that you gave me A Word for Kelly and thank you for giving Rachael A WORD for me. Bless you Yadi for being available!