Sunday, August 31

Matza is my friend

Upon being tricked by the Holy Ghost (just kidding...kind of) I have started a Daniel Fast that will last until Rosh Hashanah which ends at sundown on October 1st. As soon as I heard about this fast it bore witness with me. I knew it was something I was to partake in fully.

The fast consists of all fruits, all vegetables, all whole grains in any form except leavened, all nuts and seeds, all legumes, all quality oils, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs, spices and water.

It eliminates all meat and animal products, all dairy, all sweeteners, all leavened breads and baked goods, all refined and processed food products, all deep fried foods (including chips), all solid fats, and all beverages (other than water and fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juices).

It may seem extreme for some, but I was a vegan for several years, followed the Halleluyah Acres diet for a while, and was even completely raw for a season - so this is familiar territory for me. I'm excited about it because I'm pregnant and know that eating this way is the best nutrition I can supply to my baby. It is even the best preparation for labor, if I can stick it out THAT long...let's start with Rosh Hashanah.


Neubela said...

I was just trying to e-mail you to find out the details of the fast and my e-mail kept freezing up. I felt an urge to check your blog and voila!...After a trip to the grocery store this evening I will be ready to commit to this fast. I am excited about it. Is this fast a mandatory part of the discipleship program or something seperate?

Yadira said...

I was under the impression that it was mandatory. That's why I said I was "tricked" by the Holy Ghost. lol. It's not - fasting from sundown Tuesdays to sundown Wednesdays is mandatory.