Thursday, September 11

Sweet freedom

I'm reading this new book upon the slight urging of my friend, Tarsha (she bought the book for me and gave me a deadline). It's called, "The Shack," by William P. Young. There will be a full "book report" at the end of the month, but for now I need to write about the sweet freedom the Holy Spirit is ministering to me through what I've read thus far.

Without giving away too many details, this book has indeed turned out to be the refuge that I had been seeking - my secluded farm where life slows down and simple pleasures take precedence over noisy, busy, hoopla. It's a breath of fresh air, a tall glass of ice cold water, a release of every stressor. Aahhhhhhhh...

It is affecting me in tangible, concrete ways. For so long I have been completely unproductive around my home, knowing that any little effort I put into keeping the place clean/organized would just be met with requests for more. No matter how much I did, there was always something left undone that would be pointed out. The easy thing was just to do nothing at all - and thus my home became a chaotic mess both physically and spiritually.

Reading this book has reminded me of my vertical relationship in such a sweet way (I hate to overuse the word "sweet" but it is the best way I can describe it). I'm all of a sudden free to be my very best, knowing that it pleases my Abba...regardless of whether it meets the expectations of those closest to me. I'm free to receive a pat on the back for a job well done from the one who sees behind the scenes. I'm free to live my life as only He intended before the foundations of the world. I'm simply me again. Aahhhhhhh.....refreshing.

After so long of trying to please someone who tries their best to be loving, I've rediscovered that I'm already pleasing to the One who IS Love. Putting my family and my home first above all other responsibilities is suddenly a pleasure instead of a heavy burden. Who knew that could happen from reading fiction? Apparently Tarsha