Friday, September 5

The Great Divide

The time is coming, and quickly approaching, where the large grey area Christians have resided in for so long is disappearing. Things are becoming more and more black and white. The dilineation between those who believe the scriptures and those who live in darkness is becoming absolute. Those who choose to commune with a religious, traditional spirit will be left out of the greatest moves of Yah this world has ever seen.

Signs, miracles and wonders to the level we have yet to see on earth are about to become common place - beginning with resurrection from the dead. Apprehend the power we have been given and do not water down so precious a responsibility. Consecrate and separate yourselves from the various ways of this foreign land. We are citizens of Heaven, ambassadors for Moshiac. Do not let His words slip away.

In the name of Yeshua. Amen.

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