Monday, December 10

It's Monday morning...hopes are high

On Monday mornings there is a newness and expectation in me. Granted, I am a stay at home mom and do not have the common back to work drudge that accompanies Mondays for most. Yet it's more than that. It feels like whatever I did (or didn't do) last week is so over and now I am ready to start a fresh week with renewed determination to make my life great. That feeling usually fades before noon, though. That's why I am writing this the hopes that the feeling turns into a decision. Oh, if you need motivation for anything I am your girl! I can inspire a politician to be honest! When it comes to myself, though, it's sometimes hard to get out of bed. I think God is funny in that sense. What we call weaknesses, he calls strengths. The fact that I can't provide for myself what I can for others makes me unable to hide behind four walls - I NEED to interact with people. I don't have it all together by myself. Knowing that I must have strong relationships with kindred spirits makes me strong. It's those of us who insist we can wander from the pack and make it on our own that get picked off. I'm recovering from Independitis. I'd rather flourish than wallow in my limitations. So on this Monday morning, hopes are high - not in my own good feelings, but in my ability to stay connected to those who love me and want to see me grow. Yeah, that's good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ditto! I definitely can relate. I am encouraged, inspired, and motivated most when I'm doing that for others. Zig Ziglar says, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help others get what they want." Of course, Jesus said it best, "But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." I'd rather flourish than wallow, too. :)