Pierre and I just got back from watching "Expelled", a documentary by Ben Stein (Beuller...Bueller...) about the freedom of inquiry in science. The movie got more and more disturbing as it went on, delving deeper into how constrained our scientific studies are in this day and age. Back in the day, science was for rich aristocrats with spare time. It was a hobby, and most scientists worked from a premise that God exists. Today, it is a multi-million dollar conglomerate and is very well guarded against any belief in God.
Basically the problem is that the theory of evolution (Darwinism) from the 1800s has many holes in it, including how life originated. Yet this theory is held up as a fact in the scientific community and anyone who dares question it in public is ostracized. There are scientists who now believe that life is so unbelievably complicated it must be an intelligent design. Yet they are not allowed to pursue these theories even though the Darwinists themselves do not have the answers.
For so long I've heard atheists and scientists say that God cannot be scientifically proven. Here we are in a day and age where He actually can be, but there is so much persecution to keep the evolution theory from unravelling that they won't even let anyone do the research. I personally had no idea that Darwinism was such a huge thing. I just thought, "Evolution...that's just a silly little theory that leaves the creator out." I didn't take it seriously. This movie shows just how seriously we should take it, and how seriously we should fight against it in our educational systems.
I'm not doing this movie justice. There were so many parts that touched me. I urge you to watch it and tell your friends to watch it. It is not a "religious" movie by any means. It is about freedom, one that has been taken away in our science community. The movie even shows a link between Darwinism and the Holocaust. Hitler was a very strong believer in Darwin's theories, including "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest". It was his desire to create a pure and strong race that led him to kill millions of "inferior" humans. The movie even speaks of how the creator of Planned Parenthood was an atheist who believed in these theories and wanted to stop the underprivelaged from breeding. Her name was Margaret Sanger - google it.
Ok, I'm done. Watch the movie. Tell people to watch the movie.
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